It is so green and fresh and beautiful in our Village now! Rain helps with watering the plants!
Periwinkle is forming flowers
But even just leaves are awesome!
Irises started to bloom! You know, iris is one of my favorite flower because I can never remember where I planted different color variations (also to add to the misery, not all of them flower in any particular time), plus I love adopting plant donations and Irises are one of them... So it is like Christmas Advent for me to wait and welcome these gorgeous flowers anew every spring!
Someone is so beautiful in the flower crown!
That was the beginning of May. We still wore some vests and long sleeves. Now weather is so warm that we opened the kayaking season!
Which reminds me to remind you that we still have some spots in Summer Camps as well as Family Campings!
Playing in the woods, taking care of small farm animals, enjoying different crafts, making friends and visiting rivers and lakes around our beautiful Rogue Valley - that is our plan!
We hope to see you soon!
Natalya on behalf of the village